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发布日期:2017-10-18 作者: 编辑: 点击:

姓名: 王慧远
职务: 经理
职称: 教授
所在系别: 材料加工工程系
最高学历: 研究生
最高学位: 博士
所在学科专业: 材料加工工程
所研究方向: 非平衡凝固与组织控制;强韧化与塑性变形;新型能源电池;第一性原理
讲授课程: 本科生课程:《冶金原理》、《液态金属成型研究新进展》
教育经历: 1994.09-1998.08 原吉林工业大学m40087788云顶游戏焊接工艺及设备专业 获学士学位 学士
1999.09-2002.03 m40087788云顶游戏(中国)有限公司 材料加工工程专业 获硕士学位 硕士
2002.04-2004.12 m40087788云顶游戏(中国)有限公司 材料加工工程专业 获博士学位 博士
工作经历: 国家杰出青年基金获得者,全国优秀博士学位论文获得者,教授,博士生导师,主要从事轻合金非平衡凝固与组织控制等制备科学与加工技术研究。作为主要获奖人,获国家技术发明二等奖和吉林省科学技术(自然类)一等奖。作为项目负责人,主持国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金、国家重点研发项目(政府间国际合作)、国家863计划课题、973计划子题、十二五支撑计划专题、吉林省重大科技项目研发人才团队项目等国家和省、部级项目25项。授权发明专利13件,发表SCI 论文124 篇,被SCI 他引1659 次;H 因子25。入选吉林省高级专家、长白山学者、教育部新世纪优秀人才、《Scientific Reports》编委、《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》编委等。指导员工获中国青少年科技创新奖1项、获吉林省优秀硕士学位论文3篇;7名毕业硕士生在美国、挪威、德国、荷兰等继续攻读博士。
科研项目: [1] 国家自然基金杰出青年基金,“轻合金非平衡凝固与组织控制”,批准号:51625402,经费:400.00万元,运行日期:2017.1-2021.12,负责人:王慧远。
[2] 政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项,“新型低成本超塑性镁合金及其产业化关键技术开发”,批准号:2016YFE0115300,经费:93.00万元,运行日期:2016.12-2018.11,负责人:王慧远。
[3] 国家自然基金面上,“高塑性镁-铝-锡系镁合金塑性变形机制及形变亚结构演化行为”,批准号:51271086,经费:80.00万元,运行日期:2013.1-2016.12,负责人:王慧远。
[4] 科技部“973”计划—子课题,“原位颗粒增强金属基复合材料的可控制备基础”,批准号:2012CB619602-1-2,经费:60.00万元,运行日期:2012.1-2016.12,负责人:王慧远。
[5] 国家科技部“十二五”支撑计划—专题,“新型铸轧镁合金板带材组织控制与性能评价”,批准号:2011BAE22B03-9,经费:15.00万元,运行日期:2011.1-2013.12,负责人:王慧远。
[6] 教育部博士点基金(博导类),“新型含锡镁合金室温塑性变形过程位错增殖和弛豫机制”,批准号:20120061110031,经费:12.00万元,运行日期:2013.1-2015.12,负责人:王慧远。
[7] 全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金,“新型高强韧含锡镁合金成分设计与组织控制”,批准号:201148,经费:28.00万元,运行日期:2011.1-2012.12,负责人:王慧远。
[8] 国家科技部“863”计划,“高性能、低成本、可控陶瓷颗粒体积分数梯度增强金属基复合材料”,批准号:2006AA03Z566,经费:100.00万元,运行日期:2006.12-2009.11,负责人:王慧远。
[9] 国家自然科学基金(青年基金),“变质高硅镁合金非平衡凝固过程中Mg2Si生长形态的选择规律”,批准号:50501010,经费:28.00万元,运行日期:2006.1-2008.12,负责人:王慧远。
[10] 国家自然科学基金(面上),“熔体内金属间化合物的燃烧合成与非平衡凝固”,批准号:50671044,经费:28.00万元,运行日期:2007.01-2009.12,负责人:王慧远。
[11] 全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金,“镁-硅系合金中Mg2Si的变质机理”,批准号:2007B38,经费:42.00万元,运行日期:2008.1-2010.12,负责人:王慧远。
[12] 教育部“新世纪优秀人才”计划,“铸造过程燃烧合成陶瓷颗粒梯度增强金属基复合材料的机制”,批准号:NCET-06-0308,经费:25.00万元,运行日期:2007.01-2009.12,负责人:王慧远。
学术论文: 2015年
[1] H.Y. Wang*, B.Y. Wang, J.K. Meng, J.G. Wang*, Q.C. Jiang, “One-step synthesis of Co-doped Zn2SnO4-graphene-carbon nanocomposites with improved lithium storage performances”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 1023–1030. (封底)
[2] B.Y. Wang, H.Y. Wang*, Y.L. Ma, X.H. Zhao, W. Qi, Q.C. Jiang, “Facile synthesis of fine Zn2SnO4 nanoparticles/graphene composites with superior lithium storage performance”, Journal of Power Sources 281 (2015) 341-349.
[3] X.L. Nan, H.Y. Wang*, J. Rong, E.S. Xue, G.J. Liu, Q.C. Jiang, “Tensile deformation behaviors in a fine-grained, rolled Mg–3Al–3Sn alloy at room temperature up to 250 oC”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 17 (2015) 199-204. (封面)
[4] X.Z. Ma, B. Jin*, H.Y. Wang*, J.Z. Hou, X.B. Zhong, H.H. Wang, P.M. Xin, “S–TiO2 composite cathode materials for lithium/sulfur batteries”, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 736 (2015) 127–131.
[5] H.Y. Wang, B.Y. Wang, D. Wang, L. Lu, J.G. Wang*, Q.C. Jiang, “Facile synthesis of hierarchical worm-like MoS2 structures assembled with nanosheets as anode for lithium ion batteries”, RSC Adv., 5(2015)58084–58090.
[6] C. Wang, H.Y. Wang*, T.L. Huang, X.N. Xue, F. Qiu, Q.C. Jiang*, “Generalized-stacking- fault energy and twin-boundary energy of hexagonal close-packed Au: A first-principles calculation”, Scientific Reports, 5(2015)10213.
[7] H.Y. Wang, Z.P. Yu, L. Zhang, C.G. Liu, M. Zha, C. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, "Achieving high strength and high ductility in magnesium alloy using hard-plate rolling (HPR) process", Scientific Reports, 5 (2015) 17100.
[8] D. Luo, H. Y. Wang*, L. Zhang, G.J. Liu, J.B. Li, Q.C. Jiang, “Microstructure evolution and tensile properties of hot rolled Mg-6Al-3Sn alloy sheet at elevated temperatures”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 643 (2015) 149–155.
[9] X.B. Zhong, H.Y. Wang*, Z.Z. Yang, B. Jin*, Q.C. Jiang, “Facile synthesis of mesoporous ZnCo2O4 coated with polypyrrole as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries”, Journal of Power Sources 296 (2015) 298-304.
[10] H.C. Yu, H.Y. Wang*, L. Chen, F. Liu, C. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Heterogeneous nucleation of Mg-Si on CaSb2 nucleus in Al-Mg-Si alloys”, CrystEngComm 2015, 17, 7048–7055. (内封面)
[11] H.Y. Wang, T.T. Feng, L. Zhang, C.G. Liu, Y. Pan, M. Zha*, X.L. Nan, C. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, "Achieving a weak basal texture in a Mg-6Al-3Sn alloy by wave-shaped die rolling", Materials and Design, 88 (2015) 157-161.
[12] C. Wang, T.L. Huang, H.Y. Wang*, X.N Xue, Q.C. Jiang. Effects of distributions of Al, Zn and Al+Zn atoms on the strengthening potency of Mg alloys: A first-principles calculation. Computational Materials Science, 104 (2015) 23–28.
[1] Z.Z. Yang, H.Y. Wang,* X.B. Zhong, W. Qi., B.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Assembling sulfur spheres on carbon fiber with graphene coated hybrid bulk electrodes for lithium sulfur batteries”, RSC Advance, 4 (2014) 50964–50968.
[2] X.B. Zhong, B. Jin*, Z.Z. Yang, C. Wang, H.Y. Wang*, “Facile shape design and fabrication of ZnFe2O4 as an anode material for Li-ion batteries”, RSC Advance, 4 (2014) 55173–55178.
[3] L. Chen, H.Y. Wang(王慧远)*, Y.J. Li, M. Zha, Q.C. Jiang, “Morphology and size control of octahedral and cubic primary Mg2Si in Mg–Si system by regulating Sr contents”, CrystEngComm, 16 (2014) 448–454.
[4] L. Zhang, C.G. Liu, H.Y. Wang*, X.L. Nan, G.J. Liu, Q.C. Jiang, “Slip-induced texture evolution of rolled Mg–6Al–3Sn alloy during uniaxial tension along rolling and transverse directions”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 597(2014)376–380.
[5] D. Luo, H.Y. Wang*, Z.T. Ouyang, L. Chen, J.G. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–5Sn alloy fabricated by a centrifugal casting method”, Materials Letters, 116 (2014) 108–111.
[6] D. Luo, N. Xia, H.Y. Wang*, L. Chen, J.G. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Microstructure and tensile properties of a new type of hot-rolled Mg–3Sn–1Zn alloy sheet at elevated temperatures”, Materials Science and Technology, 30 (2014) 1305-1308
[1] L. Chen, H.Y. Wang*, D. Luo, H.Y. Zhang, B. Liu, Q.C. Jiang, “Synthesis of octahedron and truncated octahedron primary Mg2Si by controlling the Sb contents”, CrystEngComm, 15(2013) 1787–1793.
[2] C. Wang, H.Y. Zhang, H.Y. Wang*, G.J. Liu, Q.C. Jiang, “Effects of doping atoms on generalized-stacking-fault (GSF) energies of Mg from first-principles calculations”, Scripta Materialia, 69 (2013) 445–448.
[3] H.Y. Wang, E.S. Xue, X.L. Nan, T. Yue, Y.P. Wang, Q.C. Jiang*, “Influence of grain size on strain rate sensitivity in rolled Mg–3Al–3Sn alloy at room temperature”, Scripta Materialia, 68 (2013) 229–232.
[4] X.L. Nan, H.Y. Wang*, Z.Q. Wu, E.S. Xue, L. Zhang, Q.C. Jiang*, “Effect of c/a axial ratio on Schmid factors in hexagonal close-packed metals”, Scripta Materialia, 68 (2013) 530–533
[5] D. Luo, H.Y. Wang*, L. Chen, G.J. Liu, J.G. Wang*, Q.C. Jiang, “Strong strain hardening ability in an as-cast Mg–3Sn–1Zn alloy”, Materials Letters 94 (2013) 51–54.
[6] H.Y. Zhang, H.Y. Wang*, C. Wang, G.J. Liu, Q.C. Jiang, “First-principles calculations of generalized stacking fault energy in Mg alloys with Sn,Pb and Sn+Pb dopings”, Materials Science and Engineering A584 (2013) 82–87.
[7] C. Wang, H.Y. Wang*, H.Y. Zhang, X.L. Nan, E.S. Xue, Q.C. Jiang, “Influence of Al contents on generalized-stacking-fault (GSF) energy in Mg–Al–Zn alloys: First-principles calculations”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 575 (2013) 423–433.
[8] L. Zhang, C.G. Liu, H.Y. Wang*, X.L. Nan, Z.Q. Wu, Q.C. Jiang, “Deformation mechanisms of a rolled Mg-6Al-3Sn alloy during plane strain compression”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 578(2013)362–369.
[9] L. Zhang, C.G. Liu, H.Y. Wang*, X.L. Nan, W. Xiao, Q.C. Jiang, “Twinning and mechanical behavior of an extruded Mg–6Al–3Sn alloy with a dual basal texture”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 578 (2013) 14–17.
[10] H.Y. Wang, G.Y. Liu, Z.Z. Yang, B.Y. Wang, L. Chen, Q.C. Jiang, “Facile Synthesis of Mesoporous SnO2 Submicrospheres by Microemulsion Approach as High-Capacity Anodes Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries”, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 8(2013), 8 (2013) 2345–2353.
[11] G.Y. Liu, H.Y. Wang, B. Jin, Z.Z. Yang, W. Qi, Y.C. Liu, Q.C. Jiang, “Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Mesoporous SnO2/C Composites as Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries”, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 8(2013), 8 (2013) 4797-4806.
[12] H.Y. Wang, S.J. Lü, W. Xiao, G.J. Liu, J.G. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Reaction pathway of combustion synthesis of Ti5Si3 in Cu–Ti–Si System”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 96(3) (2013) 950-956.
[13] G.Y. Liu, H.Y. Wang, G.Q. Liu, Z.Z. Yang, B. Jin, Q.C. Jiang, “Synthesis and electrochemical performance of high-rate dual-phase Li4Ti5O12–TiO2 nanocrystallines for Li-ion batteries”, Electrochimica Acta, 87 (2013) 218–223.
[14] B. Jin, A.H. Liu, G.Y. Liu, Z.Z. Yang, X.B. Zhong, X.Z. Ma, M. Yang, H.Y. Wang, “Fe3O4-pyrolytic graphite oxide composite as an anode material for lithium secondary batteries”, Electrochimica Acta 90 (2013) 426–432.
[1] G.Y. Liu, H.Y. Wang, G.Q. Liu, Z.Z. Yang, B. Jin, Q.C. Jiang, “Facile synthesis of nanocrystalline Li4Ti5O12 by microemulsion and its application as anode material for Li-ion batteries”, Journal of Power Sources, 220 (2012) 84–88.
[2] X. Long Nan, H.Y. Wang, L. Zhang, J.B. Li, Q.C. Jiang, “Calculation of Schmid factors in magnesium: Analysis of deformation behaviors”, Scripta Materialia, 2012; 67: 443–446.
[3] H.Y. Wang, L. Chen, B. Liu, X.R. Li, J.G. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Heterogeneous nucleation of Mg2Si on Sr11Sb10 nucleus in Mg-(3.5, 5 wt.%) Si-1Al alloys”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2012; 135: 358–364.
[4] H.Y. Wang, X.L. Nan, N. Zhang, C. Wang, J.G. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Strong strain hardening ability in an as-cast Mg–3Al–3Sn alloy”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2012;132: 248–252.
[5] H.Y. Wang, Q. Li, B. Liu, N. Zhang, L. Chen, J.G. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Modification of primary Mg2Si in Mg-4Si alloys with antimony”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2012, 43: 4926–4932.
[6] S.J. Lü, H.Y. Wang, Z.Z. Yang, Q.C. Jiang, “Analysis of effects of reactant particle size on phase transformations in the Ti–Si–Cu system using differential thermal analysis and x-ray diffraction”, Journal of Materials Research, 2012, 27: 2615-2623.
[1] H.Y. Wang, N. Zhang, C. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “First-principles study of the generalized stacking fault energy in Mg–3Al–3Sn alloy”, Scripta Materialia, 2011; 65: 723–726.
[2] H.Y. Wang, E.S. Xue, W. Xiao, Z. Liu, J.B. Li, Q.C. Jiang, “Influence of grain size on deformation mechanisms in rolled Mg–3Al–3Sn alloy at room temperature”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011; 528: 8790–8794.
[1] H.Y. Wang, M. Zha, S.J. Lü, C. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Reaction pathway and phase transitions in Al-Ti-Si system during differential thermal analysis”, Solid State Sciences, 2010; 12: 1347–1351.
[2] H.Y. Wang, W.P. Si, S.L. Li, N. Zhang, Q.C. Jiang, “First-principles study of the structural and elastic properties of Ti5Si3 with substitutions Zr, V, Nb and Cr”, Journal of Materials Research, 2010; 25 (12): 2317–2324.
[1] M. Zha, H.Y. Wang, S.T. Li, S.L. Li, Q.L. Guan, Q.C. Jiang, “Influence of Al addition on the products of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of Al-Ti-Si system”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2009; 114: 709–715.
[2] Y.F. Yang, H.Y. Wang, R.Y. Zhao, Q.C. Jiang, “Effect of reactant particle size on the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction behaviors in the Ni-Ti-B4C system”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2009; 40: 232–239.
[2] H.Y. Wang, B. Liu, W. Xiao, L.L. Jiang, M. Zha, Q.C. Jiang, “Influence of morphology and size of Mg2Si on microstructural evolution of Mg-6.2Si alloys during partial remelting”, IJIJ International, 2009; 49: 1932–1937.
[3] H.Y. Wang, M. Zha, B. Liu, D.M. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Microstructural evolution behavior of Mg–5Si–1Al alloy modified with Sr–Sb during isothermal heat treatment”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009; 480 (2): L25–L28.
[4] M. Zha, H.Y.Wang, P.F. Xue, L.L. Li, B. Liu, Q.C. Jiang, “Microstructural evolution of Mg–5Si–1Al alloy during partial remelting” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 472 (2009) L18–L22.
[5] Q.L. Guan, H.Y. Wang, S.L. Li, C. Liu, Q.C. Jiang, “Microstructure characteristics of products in Ti–Si system via combustion synthesis reaction”, Journal of Materials Science, 2009; 44 (7): 1902–1908.
[6] Y.F. Yang, H.Y. Wang, J.G. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Thermal explosion reaction in the Ti-C system under air atmosphere”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2009; 40: 2514-2518.
[7] M. Zha, H.Y. Wang, S.J. Lü, N. Zhang, D. Li, Q.C. Jiang, “Self–propagating high–temperature synthesis of Ti5Si3/TiAl3 intermetallics”, ISIJ International, 2009; 49: 453–457.
[1] H.Y. Wang, S.J. Lü, M. Zha, S.T. Li, C. Liu, Q.C. Jiang, “Influence of Cu addition on the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of Ti5Si3 in Cu-Ti-Si system”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2008; 111: 463–468.
[2] H.Y. Wang, W. Wang, M. Zha, N. Zheng, Z.H. Gu, D. Li, Q.C. Jiang, “Influence of the amount of KBF4 on the morphology of Mg2Si in Mg-5Si alloys”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2008; 108: 353–358.
[3] Y.F. Yang, H.Y. Wang, R.Y. Zhao, Y.H. Liang, Q.C. Jiang, “Reaction mechanism Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction in the Ni-Ti-B4C system”, Journal of Materials Research, 2008; 23: 2519–2527.
[4] Y.F. Yang, H.Y. Wang, J.G. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Lattice parameter and stoichiometry of TiCx produced in alloyed Ti–C systems by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2008; 91: 3813–3816.
[5] Y.F. Yang, H.Y. Wang, J. Zhang, R.Y. Zhao, Y.H. Liang, Q.C. Jiang, “The lattice parameter and stoichiometry of TiCx produced in the Ti-C and Ni-Ti-C systems by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2008; 91: 2736–2739.
[6] H.Y. Wang, N. Zheng, W. Wang, Z.H. Gu, D. Li, Q.C. Jiang, “Modification of Mg2Si in Mg-4Si Alloys with B”, ISIJ International, 2008; 48: 1662–1664.
[1] Y.F. Yang, H.Y. Wang, Y.H. Liang, Q.C. Jiang, Effect of nickel addition on the exothermic reaction of titanium and boron carbide, Journal of Materials Research, 2007; 22: 169–174.
[2] W.N. Zhang, H.Y. Wang, S.Q. Yin, Q.C. Jiang, “Effect of Ti/C ratio on the SHS reaction of Cr-Ti-C system”, Materials Letters, 2007; 61: 3075–3078.
[1] C.L. Xu, H.Y. Wang, C. Liu, Q.C. Jiang, “Growth of octahedral primary silicon in cast hypereutectic Al-Si alloys”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2006; 291: 540–547.
[2] L. Huang, H.Y. Wang, F. Qiu, Q.C. Jiang, “Synthesis of dense ceramic particulate reinforced composites from Ni-Ti-C, Ni-Ti-B, Ni-Ti-B4C and Ni-Ti-C-B systems via the SHS reaction, arc melting and suction casting”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2006; 422: 309–315.
[1] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, B.X. Ma, Y. Wang, F. Zhao, “Fabrication of steel matrix composite locally reinforced with in situ TiB2 particulate using self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction of Ni-Ti-B system during casting”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2005; 7: 58–63.
[2] H.Y. Wang, L. Huang, Q.C. Jiang, “In situ of TiB2-TiC particulates locally reinforced medium carbon steel matrix composites via the SHS reaction of Ni-Ti-B4C system during casting”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2005; 407: 98–104.
[3] Q.C. Jiang, H.Y. Wang, Y. Wang, B.X. Ma, J.G. Wang, “Modification of Mg2Si in Mg-Si alloys with yttrium”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2005; 392: 130–135.
[4] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, B.X. Ma, Y. Wang, F. Zhao, “Reactive infiltration synthesis of TiB2-TiC particulates reinforced steel matrix composites”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2005; 391: 55–59.
[5] H.Y. Wang, F. Zhao, Q.C. Jiang, Y. Wang, B.X. Ma “Effect of Mg addition on the self-propagating high temperature synthesis reaction in Al-Ti-C system”, Journal of Materials Science, 2005; 40: 1255–1257.
[6] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, B.X. Ma, Y. Wang, J.G. Wang, J.B. Li, “Modification of Mg2Si in Mg–Si alloys with K2TiF6, KBF4 and KBF4+K2TiF6”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2005; 387: 105–108.
[7] Q.C. Jiang, H.Y. Wang, Y.G. Zhao, X.L. Li, “Solid-state reaction behavior of Al-Ti-C powder mixture compacts”, Materials Research Bulletin, 2005; 40: 521–527.
[1] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, Y.Q. Zhao, F. Zhao, B.X. Ma, Y. Wang, “Fabrication of TiB2 and TiB2-TiC particulate reinforced magnesium matrix composites”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2004; 372: 109-114.
[2] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, Y. Wang, B.X. Ma, F. Zhao, “Fabrication of TiB2 particulate reinforced magnesium matrix composites by powder metallurgy”, Materials letters, 2004; 58: 3509–3513.
[3] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, X.L. Li, F. Zhao, “Effect of Al content on the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction of Al-Ti-C system in molten magnesium”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2004; 366: L9–L12.
[4] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, Y.G. Zhao, F. Zhao, “In situ synthesis of TiB2/Mg composite by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction of the Al-Ti-B system in molten magnesium”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2004; 379: L4–L7.
[1] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, X.L. Li, J.G. Wang, Q.F. Guan, H.Q. Liang, “In-situ synthesis of TiC from nanopowders in a molten magnesium”, Materials Research Bulletin, 2003; 38: 1387–1392.
[2] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, X.L. Li, J.G. Wang, “In situ synthesis of TiC/Mg composites in molten magnesium”, Scripta Materialia, 2003; 48: 1349–1354.
获奖情况: 2016年获国家杰出青年基金;
社会兼职: 《Scientific Reports》编委
《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》编委
吉林省机械工程学会青年委员会 主任委员
中国材料研究学会镁合金分会青年委员会 副主任委员
中国材料研究学会青年委员会 理事
治学格言: 勤奋、认真、求实、创新


